Wednesday, July 05, 2006

We Arrived!

We finally arrived Monday afternoon after an unscheduled overnight stay in L.A. There was a problem with the plane in Seattle, which meant that we missed our connection in Los Angeles. It was all part of our adventure.

We stayed in Mexico City Monday and Tuesday nights with a group of nuns calling themselves The Guadalupe Missionaries of Christ the King, Order of St. Benedict. Quite a mouthful! But they we very kind and generous. Plus, the food was fantastic! Traditional Mexican fare.

We visited the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe a couple times, as well as the Museum of Anthropology. Fascinating stuff. The basilica is quite an experience. On thing that struck me most was the deep faith of many of the people.

The sisters shared the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, then we went back to the Basilica with fresh eyes. Then, Lisanne from the centre took us through and exercise on the power we have and the power we don’t here in Mexico. A powerful exercise.

Today we went to the palace downtown to see the murals and the localo. There was a protest by the supporters of Lopez Obrador, who belaieve Sunday’s election was a fraud. For those who haven’t heard, a winner hasn’t yet been declared. There’s less than one half of one percent between the two presidential contenders. An electoral mess.

We arrived in Cuernavaca just before dinner. We had our orientation, and then we just hung out in the sultry night air.

The sisters asked Sarah Speakman to read this poem during this morning’s worship. We all thought we’d like to share it with folks at home.


To always maintain ears
To hear the cry of pain of others
And their request for help
Is solidarity…

To always maintain an alter gaze
And eyes spread out over the sea
Looking for some shipwrecked person in danger…
is solidarity.

To be the voice of the humble,
To discover injustice and evil,
To denounce the unjust and the evil doer…
is solidarity.

To let yourself be carried away
By a message full of hope, love, and peace,
Including shaking a brother’s [or sister’s] hand…
is solidarity.

To become yourself the messenger
of a sincere and fraternal embrace that one people sends to another…is solidarity.

To share the dangers in the struggle
to live in justice and liberty,
risking in love and even your life…
is solidarity.

To be devoted to love
is the greatest proof of friendship;

Leonidas Proano, retired bishop of Riobamba, Ecuador, died at 78 on Aug. 31, 1988.

We’ll be posting regularly now that we have internet access.