Last Night in Cuernavaca
Today was pretty low-key. We spent a big part of the day at a water park, which was originally farmland , and the folks who owned it turned it into a co-operative business. The sun was hot, the water was cold, the perfect combination.
Later, we went to a bible study at a Base Christian Community, a small group of eight people who have been meeting together for 15 years. We looked at the passages from last Sunday´s bible readings and reflected upon what it means to be a ¨prophet¨ in today’s world. One fellow read from martyred El Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero where he said that ¨the people had been a prophet¨ to him. A fascinating concept endowed with great humility.
This evening a group of us went back to the artisan’s market in downtown Cuernavaca. I bought the obligatory t´shirt.
Tomorrow we head back to Mexico City where we are staying at the Hotel Canada, very close to the zocalo. Apparently there is a protest being organized by supporters of AMLO, the possibly defeated presidential candidate. On Monday 250 000 people packed the zocalo and we hear it was pretty tense. Who knows what tomorrow will be like.
We might not be able to update the blog while in Mexico City, but will try.
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